In character design I focus on shapes and exterior details instead of accessories and patterns. To me the shape and silhouette of the character always comes first as well as making sure the character is not cluttered.

A good character design, to me, contains flaws. Not breaking the rules of character design but giving these characters noticeable quirks such as tooth gaps, patched clothing, overbite, and more. These things help the characters to feel more relatable. Everyone can relate to imperfection, and it naturally endears us to a character.

Sasha Sasher: UPA/50’s styled character

Molly Molly & The Imaginary Friends

Molly Molly redesign process. Creating silhouettes with a focus on exaggerated proportions. Eventually I began to think of how she could be made fantastical. As development progressed, she was given a large head that any real creature would struggle to lift. From there it seemed natural to have it act as a balloon, fitted with large oar like ears that Molly Molly would use to propel herself through the air. I wanted her to have an “Off-putting Cuteness” Something that children would find endearing, but parents would find off-putting, and the final design finds a balance between that.

More Character Designs

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